12 Job Positions at Ministry Of Environment (MOE) Deadline 4 April, 2024 – mucuruzi.com

12 Job Positions at Ministry Of Environment (MOE) Deadline 4 April, 2024 – mucuruzi.com

12 Job Positions at Ministry Of Environment (MOE) Deadline 4 April, 2024

12 Job Positions at Ministry Of Environment (MOE) Deadline 4 April, 2024

2 Job Positions of Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning Specialist at Ministry Of Environment (MOE) Deadline 4 April, 2024



Job responsibilities


• Develop the overall framework for the implementation of an M&E of the project activities in accordance with the project documents • Conduct readiness assessment regarding M&E within the Project Team by clarifying M&E contributions required by project team; • Ensure that the baseline is available and take overall responsibility in its implementation; • Ensure that sources of data, collection methods, who collects data, how often, cost of collection and who analyzes it is understood across the projects; • Build the capacity of all beneficiaries of the project to collect, collate, analyze, and disseminate information based on results; • Lead the creation of a culture of evidenced-based decision-making within the SPIU project team. • Ensure all critical risks are identified and reported to the project manager • Contribute to the development of the Annual Work Plan and budget (AWP &B), ensuring they are aligned with project documents.; also include the M&E activities in the work plan and budget; • Prepare calendar of M&E activities; • Ensuring knowledge management documentation for the project regarding lessons learnt, insights, best practices, results and impacts; • Based on the annual work plan and budgets, design the framework for the physical and process monitoring of project activities; • Oversee and execute M&E activities included in the annual work plan, with particular focus on results and impacts as well as in lesson learning, through data collection, collating, analysis, and reporting; • Monitor the implementation of the project through conducting filed visits and preparation of progress reports and any required technical reports; • Work closely with project staff responsible for M&E at the local level to collect, analyse, and consolidate data as well as verify the internal consistency and validity of data submitted by the beneficiaries; • To promote and monitor M&E activities. • Coordinate the preparation of all M&E reports and take an active part in the preparation of Financial Monitoring Reports; • Prepare consolidated M&E reports for project management including identification of problems, causes of potential bottlenecks in project implementation, and providing specific recommendations; • At the end of each activity, the M&E Expert will have to document on what happened as a result of the activity and why it happened; • Check that monitoring data are discussed in the appropriate forum (such as National Technical Advisory Committee meetings) and in a timely fashion in terms of implications for future action. If necessary, create such discussion fora to fill any gaps; • Undertake regular visits to the field to support implementation of M&E and to identify where adaptations might be needed. Review and comment on those visits and prepare monthly monitoring reports in coordination with district level. Reports in the local language for local committees shall be prepared where required; • Foster participatory planning and monitoring by training and involving stakeholder groups in the M&E of activities; • Work with local district staff(Project intervention areas) to ensure consistency and compatibility of data and information collection templates/forms, in collection and dissemination of data within and outside the project; • Provide overall support to the District staff to prepare their periodic work plans; • Make regular reports to the National Project Steering Committee through the Project Coordinator, highlighting areas of concern and preparing the documentation for review at meetings; • Continuously evaluate the MIS and consult with project staff and other project stakeholders to assure that it meets their needs; • Recommend changes or additions to the MIS, when deemed necessary; • Help project staff with timely accurate data storage and dissemination of information.

Minimum qualifications

Master’s in Project Management

5 Years of relevant experience

Master’s Degree in Project Management

5 Years of relevant experience

Masters in Business Administration

5 Years of relevant experience

Master’s Degree in Economics

5 Years of relevant experience

Master’s Degree in Development Studies

5 Years of relevant experience

Master’s Degree in Statistics

5 Years of relevant experience

Master’s Degree in Social Sciences

5 Years of relevant experience

Master’s Degree in Risk Management

5 Years of relevant experience

Master’s Degree in Soil and Water Management

5 Years of relevant experience

Master’s Degree in environmental economics

5 Years of relevant experience


Required competencies and key technical skills

Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.

Performance management skills

Multi-tasking skills and the ability to balance multiple priorities and keep up with project scope changes

Knowledge of National Planning, budgeting and reporting framework, tools and systems

Track record of leading and supporting monitoring and evaluation (M&E) for complex, large multi-year donor-funded development projects/programs (with prior experience of working on projects/programs in NQI is preferred)

Strong problem-solving skills and ability to work under pressure




Biodiversity and Ecosystem Management Specialist at Ministry Of Environment (MOE) Deadline 4 April, 2024



Job responsibilities


• Develop and implement strategies for biodiversity conservation and ecosystem management. • Conduct biodiversity assessments and habitat surveys to identify conservation priorities. • Design and manage activities aimed at protecting and restoring ecosystems, including forests, wetlands, and marine environments. • Collaborate with stakeholders, including government agencies, NGOs, local communities, to promote sustainable resource management practices. • Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of conservation interventions and recommend adaptive management strategies. • Provide technical assistance and capacity building support to partners involved in biodiversity conservation and ecosystem management. • Facilitate stakeholder engagement and participatory decision-making processes to ensure inclusive and transparent conservation efforts. • Develop and maintain partnerships with relevant organizations and institutions to leverage resources and expertise for conservation initiatives. • Stay abreast of emerging trends, research findings, and best practices in biodiversity conservation and ecosystem management. • Prepare reports, publications, and presentations to communicate project results, lessons learned, and recommendations to stakeholders and the public.

Minimum qualifications

Master’s Degree in Natural Resources Management

5 Years of relevant experience

Master’s Degree in Ecology

5 Years of relevant experience

Masters’ degree in Conservation Biology

5 Years of relevant experience

Required competencies and key technical skills

Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.


Decision making skills

Risk management skills

Performance management skills

Results oriented

Digital literacy skills

Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Living, Natural Resources

Demonstrated knowledge on green growth and climate resilience







GIS Specialist at Ministry Of Environment (MOE) Deadline 4 April, 2024

Job responsibilities

• Review existing monitoring frameworks in Rwanda e.g. the Ministry of Environment’s Results-Based Performance Management (RBM) policy framework, NDCs MRV framework and the performance frameworks used by MINECOFIN, and identify further climate change adaptation indicators to measure the effectiveness the NAP outcomes; • Identify gaps and additional relevant indicators related to the monitoring of adaptation outcomes. The gaps will be determined on the basis of the catchment-level adaptation strategies developed; • Collect, collate and manage all spatial data sets for the project throughout the project and integrate them in GIS based monitoring tool; • Undertake GIS analyses to support national adaptation planning processes; • Generate maps from technical studies and for monitoring and evaluation of project filed activities; • Develop a framework for monitoring and evaluation for long-term outcomes developed • Have a data management and analysis background proven by 2 certificates or services testimonial • Support the development and management of GIS applications that are based on growing and improving business demands • Oversee the planning and coordination of GIS activities to meet the outlined goals • Develop and manage control quality standards for system application • Performing data capture and analysis for GIS product • Oversee data flow, management, and distribution activities that are aimed at supporting GIS • Support and participate in the designing and development of the geospatial database • Maintain up-to-date and accurate geospatial documentation for reference purposes • Stay up to date or abreast with the latest developments in the GIS field • Give support in the development of a work plan for complex projects • Efficiently manage geospatial database and develop effective maps and aerial photography

Minimum qualifications

Master’s Degree in Geography

5 Years of relevant experience

Master’s Degree in Environmental Sciences

5 Years of relevant experience

Master’s Degree in Environmental Management

5 Years of relevant experience

Master’s Degree in Agriculture

5 Years of relevant experience

Master’s Degree in Forestry

5 Years of relevant experience

Masters Degree in Natural Resources Management

5 Years of relevant experience

master’s degree in Disaster Risk Management Science

5 Years of relevant experience

Master’s Degree in Urban Development

5 Years of relevant experience

Master’s Degree in Climate and Atmospheric Science

5 Years of relevant experience

Required competencies and key technical skills

Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.



Analytical skills

Time management skills


Performance management skills

Project formulation and funding skills

Strong problem-solving skills and ability to work under pressure

Climate Mitigation Specialist at Ministry Of Environment (MOE) Deadline 4 April, 2024

Job responsibilities

• Support SPIU projects in emission calculations and quantification and supervise the different consultants during the project designs and reporting. • Conduct research and analysis on climate mitigation strategies and technologies. • Develop and implement climate mitigation initiatives. • Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of climate mitigation activities across projects • Provide technical assistance and support to government agencies, NGOs, and private sector partners in emission calculations • Stay informed about the latest developments in climate science, policy, and technology. • Prepare reports, presentations, and other materials to communicate climate mitigation efforts to stakeholders and the public. • Participate in conferences, workshops, and other events to share knowledge and best practices in climate mitigation.

Minimum qualifications

Master’s Degree in Environmental Sciences

7 Years of relevant experience

Master’s Degree in Climate Sciences

7 Years of relevant experience

Master’s Degree in Sustainable Development

7 Years of relevant experience

Master’s Degree in Water Resources and Environmental Management

7 Years of relevant experience

Required competencies and key technical skills

Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.



Resource management skills

Fluency in English, Kinyarwanda or French. Knowledge of all is an added advantage

Demonstrated ability to conduct and utilize employment climate survey results;

Financial Management Specialist at Ministry Of Environment (MOE) Deadline 4 April, 2024



Job responsibilities

• Participate in the development of key priorities and Action Plan of the project; • Ensure that annual project budgets are consistent with agreed project activity per Categories/Components • Participate in the budgeting process in line with the GoR and World bank guidelines. Monitoring budget execution in collaboration with Project staff • Preparation of annual budget of Project and Participate in budget revision process • Forecasting cash flow needs, and alerting upper management for cash flow deficiencies. • Monitoring and guiding the work of the Implementing Partners in supporting their respective PFM staff to ensure compliance with all PFM rules and regulations of the GoR and the GCF. • Ensure adequate Project internal controls are maintained for processing and authorizing payments and the management and accounting for project income and assets, and advising the MoE and Implementing Partners where necessary; • Responsible for compliance with GoR and GCF requirements for Internal/External Project Audits and ensuring all necessary information is provided for Audit purposes. Ensure all Project audit recommendations are implemented on time; • Facilitate process of internal and external audit • Manage an effective financial management system for the project and ensure that accounting and book keeping records are prepared and maintained in accordance with GoR regulations; • Coordinate and ensure timely execution of annual external audits of the Project and submission of audit reports to the funders; • Ensure Procedural compliance with Funders’ financial reporting and audit requirements and guidelines; • Ensure effective and efficient flow of funds under the Project, including timely requisitioning and justification of funds. • Prepare interim and annual financial and other reports as required by the program legal agreements or as may be requested by Management; • Produce Periodic financial statements; • Approve bank accounts reconciliation statements; • Analyze financial statements for consistency; • Follow-up the approval of the project financial statements as per donor’s requirements; • Review all project transactions properly in IFMIS and submit the monthly project consolidated report within the stipulated deadline; • Review project payment documents for further processing • Ensure timely preparation and submission of required reports under the provisions of the Financing Agreement, as well as by the GoR.

Minimum qualifications

Master’s Degree in Accounting

7 Years of relevant experience

Master’s Degree in Finance

7 Years of relevant experience

Required competencies and key technical skills

Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.



Time management skills

Multi-tasking skills and the ability to balance multiple priorities and keep up with project scope changes;

Knowledge of accounting, financial reporting and auditing standards (Such as IPSAS, IFRS; ISSAs)

Knowledge and understanding of Public Service Sector Ethics and Values

Government Finance Statistics (GFS); Internal Audit framework and International Standards for Supreme Audit Institutions (ISAAIs)

Proficiency in Financial Management systems and in-depth knowledge of the Rwanda’s public finance management






2 Job Positions of Environmental Risk Management Specialist at Ministry Of Environment (MOE) Deadline 4 April, 2024

Job responsibilities

• Support the comprehensive stakeholder consultation process related to the project’s logical framework and provide inputs the stakeholder engagement for the program to be included as part of the ESMP. • Complete the environmental and social safeguards screening of the program and identify the possible environmental and social risks and impacts, identifying mitigation strategies to anticipate, minimize and compensate • Develop the relevant Environmental and Social Management Plan based on the results of the ESS screening and following WB, GCF and GoR Environmental and Social Safeguards policies applicable for the program. • Close follow up of the development of studies that VCR will undertake • Organize technical workshop to review and validate ESF related project documents and studies; • Organize and supervise participatory environmental monitoring and auditing within project site in collaboration with Project monitoring and evaluation (M&E) Specialist, and the Social Risk Management Specialist • In collaboration with the Project project coordinator and the M&E Expert organize Steering Committee Meetings (twice by year) and National Technical Advisory Committee (quarterly basis); • Perform any other activities directly related to the project objectives that will be assigned by the program/Project Coordinators.

Minimum qualifications

Master’s Degree in Geography

5 Years of relevant experience

Master’s Degree in Environmental Sciences

5 Years of relevant experience

Master’s Degree in Natural Resources

5 Years of relevant experience

Master’s Degree in Biology

5 Years of relevant experience

Masterr’s Degree in Agricultural Economics

5 Years of relevant experience

Master’s Degree in Biodiversity

5 Years of relevant experience

Master’s Degree in Forestry

5 Years of relevant experience

Master’s degree in Environmental Science and Technology

5 Years of relevant experience

Master’s Degree in Forest Management

5 Years of relevant experience

Required competencies and key technical skills

Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.

Resource management skills

Fluency in Kinyaranda English and or French knowledge of Swahili is an added advantage

Knowledge of Donor’s social safeguard guidelines

Demonstrating knowledge and experience working with World Bank safeguards policies and instruments; or with similar standards and policies of other multilateral development institutions is an added advantage

Co Experience with social/ environmental safeguards, preferably with World Bank, AfDB, EU and other Donor’s funded projects

Experience in working with donors funded projects, public, private and civil society organizations

2 Job Positions of Gender Specialist at Ministry Of Environment (MOE) Deadline 4 April, 2024

Job responsibilities

• The VCR and CND gender specialists shall assist the Project Managers to identify drivers of change and gender dynamics required to achieve the program adaptation and mitigation objectives. • Ensure proper integration of gender aspects into the project implemented activities across different IPs/EEs using participatory techniques that involve both women and men in assessments and discussions. • Monitor Gender Action Plans for the projects, based on the project’s logical framework, that identifies specific entry points within the project to address/respond to gender considerations (both risks and opportunities) identified in the gender assessment. • The gender-responsive actions and outputs will facilitate implementation of activities that promote gender equality and women’s empowerment. • Carry out/coordinate a comprehensive gender assessment/analysis and design a gender action plan that aligns with World Bank/GCF policies and fully responds to the unique and complex gender considerations within thesee projects. • The participatory gender analysis will consist of a mix of desk review and direct stakeholder consultation (e.g., through focus groups, key informant interviews, a baseline survey, other stakeholder engagement, livelihoods and benefit sharing questions that will be summarized in a gender assessment and used to inform activities for the gender action plan, both to be in compliance with the WB/GCF template and requirements. • Organize and carry out gender-responsive stakeholder consultation sessions with the aim of soliciting inputs and ensure both female and male stakeholder involvement and buy-in to the project, as well as to clearly identify any differential needs of women and men in relation to the project interventions. Ensure equal representation of women, men, and other vulnerable groups. • Identify and design of specific gender elements to be included in program activities. • To assess the communities of the area of intervention with focus on impacts, risks and access to/control over resources by women and men (including considerations of intersecting categories of identity such as age, social status, ethnicity, marital status, etc.), given the program’s context.

Minimum qualifications

Master’s Degree in Economics

5 Years of relevant experience

Master’s Degree in Gender and Development

5 Years of relevant experience

Master’s Degree in Sociology

5 Years of relevant experience

Master’s Degree in Social Sciences

5 Years of relevant experience

Master’ degree in Gender Equality and Women’s Rights

5 Years of relevant experience

Master’s degree in gender dynamics and development

5 Years of relevant experience

Required competencies and key technical skills

Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.



Results oriented

Digital literacy skills

Knowledge of Rwandan Gender Sector

Ability to identify field and/or policy issues related to gender mainstreaming

Knowledge of gender analysis and understanding underlying causes of gender inequality

Knowledge on gender public policies and/or gender mainstreaming and women empowerment

Understanding of gender issues at all levels of policy influence

Experience with donor funded projects and prior implementation of donor’s safeguards policies, including on World Bank/ADB/AIIB financed operations, is an advantage.

working experience in gender equality and social inclusion in water resource management is an added advantage

Legal Affairs Specialist at Ministry Of Environment (MOE) Deadline 4 April, 2024



Job responsibilities

• Advise on the application of legal instruments concerning the Ministry’s programs and projects. • Provide legal opinions to ensure that the appropriate legal approach is taken on arising matters in accordance with existing laws. • Review and advise the SPIU management team on legal compliance with internal policies and procedures. • Ensure proper recording of all legal documents and precedents where the institution was involved. • Provide legal expertise and advisory services to project management teams to ensure that each project operates within its mandate, complies with applicable legislations and adheres to local, regional and international legal framework in which it operates; • Provide legal opinions relating to legal issues that arise during project appraisal processes to facilitate business decisions; • Provide legal support, advice and prepare standard legal documentation required for the project transactions. • Participate in negotiations involving MoE SPIU; • Interactions with stakeholders of MoE projects on all legal matters pertaining to the project appraisal, implementation and closure; • Scrutiny of all relevant government legislations relating to the establishment and governance of GoR projects, with a view to ensuring compliance thereof; • Issue the legal opinion related to any legal aspect of MoE projects; • Identifying key legal bottlenecks for the implementation of projects under MoE; • Proactively identify and advise management on legal risks, propose and implement mitigation strategies; • Give assistance, consulting and legal representation for MoE projects; • Verify the legality of the administrative and legal documents received for endorsement. • Participate in contract negotiation. • Draft contracts and negotiate the legal aspects of the contracts; • Communicate the signed contract to all concerned parties; • Provide assistance in the management of procurement contracts for all services, goods and works; • Preserve all documents relating to the contract (negotiation minutes….). • Monitor contract execution to ensure contract closure, extension or renewal. • Provide legal advice on contract dispute settlement. • Provide the required report to the SPIU Coordinator • Perform any other legal-related tasks assigned by SPIU administration from time to time.

Minimum qualifications

Masters Degree in law with a certification in Legal Practice

5 Years of relevant experience

Bachelor’s Degree in Law with Diploma in Legislative Drafting

7 Years of relevant experience

Diploma in Legislative Drafting

7 Years of relevant experience

Required competencies and key technical skills

Capacity for legal research and analysis in complex areas of law

Knowledge of substantive law and legal procedures

Experience in legal advisory

Experience in legal drafting and negotiation

Knowledge of Government policy-making and legislative processes

Understanding of public procurement laws and procedures in Rwanda










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