NGO recruitment ( May 2024) : Open Jobs/Vacancies at Save The Children


Save the Children is a well-known international non-governmental organization (NGO) dedicated to promoting children’s rights, providing relief and support to children in developing countries, and helping them overcome poverty, disease, and discrimination. As of May 2024, Save the Children has several open job positions and vacancies available for individuals looking to make a difference in the lives of children around the world.

Finding open jobs at Save the Children

Save the Children offers a large variety of career opportunities in various fields such as Child Protection, Education and Child Development, Health and Nutrition, Hunger and Livelihoods, Communications, Resource Development/Fundraising, Human Resources, Legal, Information Technology, Finance, Internal Audit, and more.

To find open jobs at Save the Children, you can visit their official recruitment Page. This page will list all current job openings available within the organization.By visiting their Careers Page, you can explore different job listings, read about job descriptions, requirements, and apply for positions that align with your skills and interests.

Qualifications and Requirements:

Each position at Save the Children has specific qualifications and requirements tailored to the responsibilities of the role. Common qualifications include relevant academic degrees (e.g., public health, international development), professional experience in related fields (NGOs, humanitarian work), language proficiency (English plus other languages depending on location), technical skills (project management software, data analysis tools), and soft skills (communication, teamwork).

Application process

  1. Create a Profile: All applicants need to create and complete a profile within Save the Children’s career website. This is the first step in the application process.
  2. Browse Open Positions: Once your profile is set up, you can browse through the open positions available at Save the Children. You can search for roles based on location, job type, or keywords.
  3. Apply to Positions of Interest: When you find a position that aligns with your skills and interests, click on the job posting to view more details. To apply, follow the instructions provided on the job listing page.
  4. Submit Application: After reviewing the job requirements and ensuring that you meet the qualifications, submit your application through the online portal. Make sure to upload your resume and any other required documents.
  5. Confirmation Email: Once you have submitted your application, you should receive an auto-generated confirmation email acknowledging that your application has been received by Save the Children.
  6. Wait for Response: After applying, wait for Save the Children’s recruitment team to review your application. If your qualifications match what they are looking for, you may be contacted for further steps in the hiring process.
  7. Follow-Up: If you haven’t heard back within a reasonable timeframe, it’s acceptable to follow up with Save the Children regarding the status of your application.


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