Home Jobinrwanda Job vacancies – Schooling Improvement Heart (EDC)

Job vacancies – Schooling Improvement Heart (EDC)


Job vacancies – Schooling Improvement Heart (EDC)

Schooling Improvement Heart (EDC) is a worldwide nonprofit that advances lasting options to enhance training, promote well being, and broaden financial alternative. Since 1958, we have now been a frontrunner in designing, implementing, and evaluating highly effective and revolutionary packages in additional than 80 nations around the globe. EDC promotes fairness and entry to high-quality training and well being companies and merchandise that contribute to thriving communities the place individuals from various backgrounds study, reside, and work collectively. We help an inclusive office tradition that embraces many views and broadens our understanding of the communities we serve, enhancing and enriching our work.  EDC is dedicated to fairness, range, and inclusion within the office.

Job vacancies

1.Finance Supervisor

2.Human Assets and Operations Specialist 

Deadline:July 03, 2023




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