Sushruta Samhita Chapter 34 Yuktaseniya Adhyaya


This text explains Sushruta Samhita Sutrasthana Chapter 34 “Yuktaseniya Adhyaya” – Doctor in accordance the military.

Yuktaseniya Adhyaya

Doctor in accordance the military

अथातो युक्तसेनीयमध्यायं व्याख्यास्यामः ||१||
यथोवाच भगवान् धन्वन्तरिः ||२||

We’ll now expound the chapter by title Yuktaseniya – (duties of) the doctor accompanying the military; as revealed by the venerable Dhanvantari.
Learn – Eight Divine Qualities of a Doctor – Ashta Jnana Devata

Bhishak karya Duties of Military Doctor

नृपतेर्युक्तसेनस्य परानभिजिगीषतः |
भिषजा रक्षणं कार्यं यथा तदुपदेक्ष्यते ||३||
विजिगीषुः सहामात्यैर्यात्रायुक्तः प्रयत्नतः |
रक्षितव्यो विशेषेण विषादेव नराधिपः ||४||

Now I’ll describe how the doctor ought to put all efforts to guard the king who’s accompanied by his military and who has a want to overcome the enemies. The king desirous of profitable over his enemies and is marching collectively along with his military and ministers with the identical motive ought to particularly (all the time) be protected against the poisons (the king will all the time be in a risk of getting poisoned in a single or the opposite means).

पन्थानमुदकं छायां भक्तं यवसमिन्धनम् |
दूषयन्त्यरयस्तच्च जानीयाच्छोधयेत्तथा ||५||

Enemies will contaminate (with poison) the street, water, shade (of timber and so forth), meals (eatables), fodder and gas and so forth. The doctor ought to perceive these indicators of poisoning of various issues and purify (detoxify) them. The indicators and therapy of those can be described in KalpaSthana (part 5 of   this textual content).
Learn – Designations Given To Ayurvedic Medical doctors – Vaidya Upadhi

Mrityu Bheda sorts of dying

तस्य लिङ्गं चिकित्सा च कल्पस्थाने प्रवक्ष्यते
एकोत्तरं मृत्युशतमथर्वाणः प्रचक्षते ||६||
तत्रैकः कालसंयुक्तः शेषा आगन्तवः स्मृताः |७|

Followers of Atharva veda say that dying is 100 and one in quantity; out of those one is accompanied with  Kala (time/ stipulated span of life) and the remaining are Agantu (unintentional, untimely).

Notes: Dying is of two varieties; Kala Mrityu- dying at correct time on the finish of stipulated span of life and Akala mrityu – dying at improper time or untimely dying, attributable to various factors reminiscent of accidents, illnesses, wrath of Gods and so forth.
Learn – Kala – The Time Issue

दोषागन्तुजमृत्युभ्यो रसमन्त्रविशारदौ ||७||
रक्षेतां नृपतिं नित्यं यत्तौ वैद्यपुरोहितौ |८|

The doctor and the priest, who’re versed within the data of Rasa (mineral drugs preparations together with these ready from purified mercury?) and sacred hymns respectively, shall defend the king from the deaths attributable to doshas (aggravation) and exterior causes (like harm, curse, poisons and so forth) with all efforts.
Learn – Veda and Upaveda – Introduction

Revelation of eight branched Ayurveda by Lord Brahma

ब्रह्मा वेदाङ्गमष्टाङ्गमायुर्वेदमभाषत ||८||
पुरोहितमते तस्माद्वर्तेत भिषगात्मवान् |९

Lord Brahma has revealed the eight branched Ayurveda as a department of the Veda. So, the clever doctor ought to observe the opinions (directions) of the clergymen.
Learn – Ashtanga Ayurveda – The Eight Branches of Ayurveda

Affect of unhealthy deeds of the king

सङ्करः सर्ववर्णानां प्रणाशो धर्मकर्मणाम् ||९||
प्रजानामपि चोच्छित्तिर्नृपव्यसनहेतुतः |१०|

When the king is on the unsuitable path or is hooked on unhealthy habits, admixture of all castes, destruction of righteousness and cessation of all spiritual actions (auspicious actions like sacrificial rituals and so forth) and destruction of individuals of the dominion will happen. 

Raja Daivasamanah – King just like God

पुरुषाणां नृपाणां च केवलं तुल्यमूर्तिता ||१०||
आज्ञा त्यागः क्षमा धैर्यं विक्रमश्चाप्यमानुषः |
तस्माद्देवमिवाभीक्ष्णं वाङ्मनःकर्मभिः शुभैः ||११||
चिन्तयेन्नृपतिं वैद्यः श्रेयांसीच्छन् विचक्षणः |१२|

The widespread man and the king are comparable in look however by his means to command, sacrifice, forgive, and have braveness and valour, the king is tremendous human. Therefore, a clever doctor, desirous of fame, identical to a God, along with his auspicious speech, ideas and actions, being a nicely wisher of the king, ought to continually take into consideration defending and serving the king.
Learn – Ethics Of A Doctor – Vaidya Vritti

Vaidya sthana – place of the doctor

स्कन्धावारे च महति राजगेहादनन्तरम् ||१२||
भवेत्सन्निहितो वैद्यः सर्वोपकरणान्वितः |
तत्रस्थमेनं ध्वजवद्यशःख्यातिसमुच्छ्रितम् ||१३||
उपसर्पन्त्यमोहेन विषशल्यामयार्दिताः |
स्वतन्त्रकुशलोऽन्येषु शास्त्रार्थेष्वबहिष्कृतः ||१४||
वैद्यो ध्वज इवाभाति नृपतद्विद्यपूजितः|१५|

Within the large camp of the military, the doctor ought to reside subsequent to the palace (dwelling place) of the king, geared up with all necessities. The doctor, who has earned nice fame and success like a royal banner by staying there, is approached with a transparent thoughts by all these affected by the impression of international our bodies and illnesses.

The doctor who’s proficient in his personal science and never blind to different sciences, shines just like the royal banner and can be honoured by the king in addition to by these proficient within the science (Ayurveda).
Learn – Understanding The Ideas of Ayurveda

Chikitsa Pada – Limbs of therapy

वैद्यो व्याध्युपसृष्टश्च भेषजं परिचारकः ||१५||
एते पादाश्चिकित्सायाः कर्मसाधनहेतवः |
गुणवद्भिस्त्रिभिः पादैश्चतुर्थो गुणवान् भिषक् ||१६||
व्याधिमल्पेन कालेन महान्तमपि साधयेत्
वैद्यहीनास्त्रयः पादा गुणवन्तोऽप्यपार्थकाः ||१७||
उद्गातृहोतृब्रह्माणो यथाऽध्वर्युं विनाऽध्वरे
वैद्यस्तु गुणवानेकस्तारयेदातुरां सदा ||१८||
प्लवं प्रतितरैर्हीनं कर्णधार इवाम्भसि |१९|

  • Doctor, affected person (sick individual), drugs (drug) and attendant (nurse) – these are the 4 limbs of therapy and chargeable for its success.
  • When the three limbs endowed with good qualities can be found (related to) the fourth limb – i.e., the doctor possessing good qualities, will be capable to remedy even an awesome illness, inside a short while.
  • With out the doctor the opposite three limbs, although having  all good qualities are futile, identical to Udgatr, Hotr and Brahmana (clergymen of Sama Veda, Rig Veda and Atharva Veda respectively) with out  the Adhvaryu (priest of  Yajurveda) in a sacrifice. 
  • The doctor possessing good qualities alone can save the affected person all the time, simply because the navigator alone can save the boat in water even with out different assistants with oars.
    Learn – Ayurvedic Hospital Administration – Chikitsa Chatushpada

Vaidya Guna – Qualities of doctor

तत्त्वाधिगतशास्त्रार्थो दृष्टकर्मा स्वयङ्कृती ||१९||
लघुहस्तः शुचिः शूरः सज्जोपस्करभेषजः |
प्रत्युत्पन्नमतिर्धीमान् व्यवसायी विशारदः ||२०||
सत्यधर्मपरो यश्च स भिषक् पाद उच्यते |२१|

The doctor endowed with under talked about qualities is the primary limb of the therapy. He ought to –

  • have studied the science (of Ayurveda) totally and understood it completely,
  • have seen the remedies being carried out,
  • have gained expertise by doing it by himself (sensible expertise),
  • be agency in hand,
  • be clear,
  • be courageous (daring),
  • be possessing all equipments and medicines required,
  • clever to handle any scenario,
  • ingenious,
  • skilful,
  • well-versed (in precepts and observe),
  • adhering to fact and righteousness

Rogi Guna-Qualities of affected person

आयुष्मान् सत्त्ववान् साध्यो द्रव्यवानात्मवानपि ||२१||
आस्तिको वैद्यवाक्यस्थो व्याधितः पाद उच्यते |२२|

The rogi i.e., affected person having the under talked about qualities is taken into account as one other limb (third limb) of therapy. He ought to –

Aushadha Guna- Qualities of drug

प्रशस्तदेशसम्भूतं प्रशस्तेऽहनि चोद्धृतम् ||२२||
युक्तमात्रं मनस्कान्तं गन्धवर्णरसान्वितम् |
दोषघ्नमग्लानिकरमविकारि विपर्यये |
समीक्ष्य दत्तं काले च भेषजं पाद उच्यते ||२३||

The drugs is named one other limb (third limb) when it satisfies the under talked about circumstances (is endowed with under talked about qualities). It ought to –

  • have been grown in an auspicious place,
  • collected on valuable day,
  • utilized in applicable amount (dose),
  • pleasing to the thoughts,
  • endowed with good odor, color and style,
  • mitigating the Doshas,
  • not inflicting exhaustion,
  • not inflicting nice misery (or problems) even throughout illness,
  • administered correctly and at right time

Paricharaka guna – qualities of attendants

स्निग्धोऽजुगुप्सुर्बलवान् युक्तो व्याधितरक्षणे |
वैद्यवाक्यकृदश्रान्तः पादः परिचरः स्मृतः ||२४||

Paricharaka or attendant having the under talked about qualities shall be thought of as one other limb (fourth limb) of therapy. He ought to – 

  • be affectionate,
  • not disgusting,
  • robust,
  • desirous of defending the affected person,
  • obeying the directions of the doctor scrupulously and untiring;

इति  श्रीसुश्रुतसंहितायां सूत्रस्थाते युक्तसेनीयो नाम  चतुस्त्रिंशत्तमोऽध्यायः ॥३४॥
 Thus ends the Thirty fourth chapter by title Yuktaseniya in Sutra  Sthana of Sushruta Samhita.


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